Statistics for epigenetics (Prof Neville Calleja)

Over the last years, more and more research papers are published in the field of epigenomics.

Thanks to the diligent work of experts in the field, researchers who do not come directly from the disciplines of (epi)genomics can be immensely supported as to how to design, collect and analyze data. Prof Neville Calleja introduces statistics for Epigenetics.

He has fifteen years of experience lecturing medical statistics, epidemiology and public health to all health care professionals, together with ethical and scientific review of projects at local and international level.He is also active at European level in the field of Health Information for both the European Commission and WHO (Europe), as chair of the European Health Information Initiative within WHO(Europe). Prior to this, he was the first chair of the Small Countries Health Information Network for WHO(Europe) and he is still an active member of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Systems and Policies in Small States within the Islands and Small States Institute within the University of Malta. Prof Calleja has been active on a number of collaborative research projects, particularly in the area of health information, funded by the EU Public Health Programme, and also the EU Research Framework Programmes. He has also been in receipt of EUROSTAT grants for development of statistical framework at national level.

Genomics Genetics, Transcriptomics and Epigenetics (a report)

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