Dr Anastasia Topalidou


Short biography: Anastasia specialises in the fields of biomechanics and clinical measurements, with extensive experience in non-invasive techniques, thermal imaging applications and sensors for use in medicine and clinical research. She has participated in several inter- and trans-disciplinary projects combining biomedical engineering, health sciences, midwifery, psychology and other disciplines. Anastasia is research active within the area of biomedical engineering and midwifery and maternal-child health, and is a member of the ReaCH Unit (Research in Childbirth and Health) and THRIVE Centre (Transdisciplinary Health Research for Thriving in the Early Years).



University of Central Lancashire

Email: atopalidou@uclan.ac.uk

Phone: +44 (0) 0177289 5199

Link to personal website or blog site/RSS feed/Research Gate profile: https://www.uclan.ac.uk/staff_profiles/dr-anastasia-topalidou.php

Twitter handle: @Anastasia_Top13

Research keywords (maximum 7/8): biomechanics, thermal imaging, transdisciplinary research, maternal and neonatal health